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Sick? Burnt? Bleeding!? Not yet! There’s still time to chomp a moss clump* because you’ve got Souls Status Bars in your game! Your Status Effects build up as attacks and abilities affect you, and you’ve got enough left in that segment to make it out of the swamp...right?

This plugin replaces RPGMaker’s RNG-based State infliction with a Status Bar. When an Actor or Enemy is affected by an Attack, Skill, or Item that adds a State, a bar will fill, applying the State once it is full. The values that control State buildup, decay, and thresholds are customizable via Notetags, letting you add toxins, petrification, and rot to any enemy in the game, just as Miyazaki intended.

Souls Status Bars plugin is compatible with YEP and SRD Plugin Suites. It is also made to work with our other plugins, such as Card Game Combat and State Info Popup.

*Moss clumps sold separately.

Plugin Features

  • Adds buildup of status effects to your game for Actors and Enemies, allowing you to create engaging combat around applying debilitating or beneficial States.
  • Creates UI elements to display current Status buildup and the thresholds before the State applies. Further customize via plugin parameters to change their icons, sizes, lengths, and colors.
  • Supports State buildup/decay via Weapons, Armors, Skills, and Items so players can strategize around weakening their foes or prepare for a particularly noxious swamp.
  • Alter State thresholds using Notetags on Actors, Classes, Weapons, and Armor, even allow incremental buildup/decay over time of Status Effects.

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Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
(5 total ratings)
Tagsbloodborne, dark-souls, elden-ring, plugin, RPG Maker, rpgmaker-mv, RPG Maker MZ, Souls-like


Buy Now$6.00 USD or more

In order to download this tool you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $6 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Souls Status Bars (v1.0.0) - Demo Project (MV) 112 MB
Souls Status Bars (v1.0.0) - Demo Project (MZ) 91 MB
Souls Status Bars (v1.0.0) - Plugin File 8.2 kB

Development log


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(3 edits)

Hello! First I'd like to say thank you so much for this plugin, it's awesome.

But I've ran into a problem that the game refuses to save after a battle where states caused by enemies on the actors were in in the process of filling up. This problem doesn't occur when the states were successfully applied.
(And they all have "remove at battle end" checked too)
I'm using MZ.

I'd really appreciate it if you could help me out!

(1 edit)

Can you share a screenshot of the error log when the issue happens (press F8 and click on tab Console while the game is running)? And also a screenshot of your Plugin Manager list?


But this also happens when testing it in your demo with just your plugin.

I unfortunately don't get an error code. I just get the error sound when trying to save.
But I get this when entering DataManager.saveGame(1); in the console:


Looks like MZ is running into a serialization issue. Patch coming soon :)

Thank you so much!!


Hi, I love your plugins. If I may, I would like to suggest a tiny improvement to help others. 

in the below function: 
Game_BattlerBase.prototype.changeStateBar = function(stateId, value) {

immediately after this line, you could add: 
if (this.stateRate(stateId) <= 0) return;

This will cause state rates to function properly in the engine for enemies immune to a state rather than bypassing them completely. Very useful i.e. for "death" skills that you don't want to affect bosses. I hope this is helpful. 


Great suggestion! We’ll include it with the next patch :)

If only luck could influence the length of the status bar.

Sure, how would you like to incorporate that stat? Maybe we can offer it in a future update.

I was thinking that if 1 point of luck (luk) could increase the numerical value by 1, then with 100 luk, my numerical value would be equivalent to double the original. Correspondingly, luk could also boost the attack value, so that the status bar wouldn't fail to fill up due to the target having too high luck. If this could be implemented, I would be very happy because luk would become a lot more useful.

Yeah, this seems doable. We'll probably make it formula based so that the user can specify whatever stat they want as the modifier for their game (perhaps in another game, MDF is used to resist status effects instead). You will be notified when the next update is out and can check the Dev Log to see if this feature has made it in :)


Thank you! I'll use it right away once it's updated!


Greetings! Out of curiosity, are we allowed to use this plugin for commercial games? With credit, of course!


Yes, of course! Feel free to edit it to your needs as well :)

(1 edit)

Hi, I think I found a bug.

The version I used was RPG Maker MV 1.63.

When the item ID is < 230, the removal status works properly. However, when the item ID is greater than or equal to 230, the item using the removed status in combat immediately reports an error.

Error: TypeError.Cannot read property '_barClearState' of undefined.

For example : If the item ID of the detoxification potion is 229, then it works perfectly. However, if you copy the potion to ID230, using the potion in battle will crash immediately.

At first, I thought the plugin for my project was colliding, until I downloaded the sample project and ran into the same problem.

This plugin is very exciting and has helped my game a lot. Looking forward to your reply. : )

Thanks for sending in your report! You are right this looks like a bug (and a very specific one at that), we will get back to you with patch instructions for it soon :)

- Neel


Thanks Neel ! Thank you for your quick response, it makes the developers feel loved! Hope everything goes well and pay attention to rest!

Thank you for your patience. This was a pretty major bug and I'm glad you reported it in. The issue was that Items were using the Notetags from $dataSkills instead of $dataItems. This means that not only would using Items Clear and Fill States incorrectly and it would also cause a crash if you made an Item of an ID that was higher than the length of the $dataSkills array.

Please make the following edits to the function itemEffectAddNormalState and itemEffectRemoveState in the plugin file around line 1129:

This should ensure that both the Items are using their proper Notetags and that the crash doesn't happen for Items of a higher ID than the number of Skills. Please let me know if this resolves the issue or if there is need for further troubleshooting. We will make sure this fix goes into the next update for Souls Status Bars. Much appreciated :D

- Neel


Thank you, Neel, yes, the length of my skill array is indeed 230! 

I made the changes according to your hints and conducted the following tests: 

1. Placing items that add status on enemies at multiple different IDs.

 2. Placing items that remove status from allies at multiple different IDs.

 3. Placing skills that add status on enemies at multiple different IDs.

 4. Placing skills that remove status from allies at multiple different IDs.

The test results are all working well , status effect perfect for adding and removing , no more errors!

I will continue to test in the actual development, and if I encounter problems, I will report to you.

 Thank you for your hard work and prompt replies, it has been very helpful to me, I think I can continue to dive into the project, thank you again, Neel!I wish you a happy life! : )

Hello, I saw below that a script is required to prevent the fade functioning from taking effect- if possible could you provide it?  It's important to my project that players be able to see the actor's state bars. Thank you!

Sure, you can achieve it via commenting out this section around ln 741. This may cause issues when it comes to multiple states being applied on the same target (the bars will stick around until a new set of states is applied). 

Please use this as a temporary solution until the next update where you will be able to set the Fade Timer in plugin params to -1 (thereby disabling it) to achieve the less janky version of this effect.

Thank you so much! When do you think the update will be out?

Projected date is near the end of next month but don't hold us to that as something always comes up. We try to make sure to incorporate as many points of feedback each iteration as possible so the hope is even if it takes a while between updates each iteration is as comprehensive as possible. But there is always more work to be done :P

I think i'm unable to save the game after winning or escaping a battle, bug?

Could you post a screencap of your Plugin Manager and the error log that appears for this issue? That will help us replicate the conditions on our side.

Huh... I only used the MZ Demo, where only Neel_SoulsStatueBar is used, so i don't know, maybe it's a bug of the plugin itself or the fact that i'm on the 1.7.0 version of MZ. Maybe it's the current version of the CoreScript used?

MZ Demo Project seems to be working for both saving the game after winning a battle and saving the game after escaping a battle. This is for RPG Maker MZ v1.8.0. Perhaps updating your version of MZ will help resolve these issues?

Hi, I just bought the plugin and started using it for a few days. Is there a way to make status bar permanently show up? Like for example I want to have some sort of stagger system in the game and I would like it to always showed up in battle

Hello Nellz, currently, you would need to edit the plugin to make the Status Bar always show up (by preventing the fade condition from being met). We can make sure to include a new Notetag allowing you to show the Status Bars permanently in the next update.


Hi there. So I'm getting an "Object is too deep" error when I use this plugin in tandem with some Visustella plugins. Particularly "Victory Aftermath" and the core engine itself.

I only have the core engine, aftermath, and your plugin in the plugin list.

You can replicate this error by doing these:

For Victory Aftermath, simply finish the fight while an actor's state is built up between 0 and 100.

For the core engine itself, make sure to turn Aftermath off. Finish the battle while any of the actor's state is built up between 0 and 100, and then head to Equipment, and try to equip/unequip a weapon. If it doesn't happen, then simply switch over to another character and do the same thing.

Hopefully this helps.

Is it possible to move the state build up bar elsewhere on the screen? I am interested in the plugin, but I detest UI elements hovering above or on top of enemy sprites.

Not currently but we can add support for that in the next update. Should happen sometime Spring 2024.

(1 edit)

Great one! But i wonder if there were a function that disable the state charge but using default possibilities on certain state(or skill) ? Because i noticed there are no more random state adding by write like 3% percentage to poison if I am using this plugin, it will all be charging.


Sure, I'll see what I can do to allow users to switch back and forth between State application systems. Should be available in the next update.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks MythAtelier! And for the others who interested in this plugin, I am running about hundred of plugins and so far I didn't see any conflict, it is amazing.

does it work with ABS plugins? I mean, is it just visible during combat, or also in the map? and use it, not just for fighting, also in some poisoned areas (Miyazaki style hahaha)

Not currently compatible with ABS though that can be extended to in the future. Status Bars on map feature is set for the first major update (see Plugin Help file and DevLog for details).


thank you so much for your answer, and for your work


Fantastic plugin! Works great, but I was wondering if in the future would there be a way to temporarily turn off/on the plugin. I would actually like to use the bars for bosses, but then keep the regular rate stuff for random battles.


Sure! I can add that in as part of the next update :)

- Neel

Not sure why, but I can't seem to get the hide notetag work. I did however find a way to get it to work through other means, but the <Hide State Bar> notetag alone I can't seem to get to work. which is odd because it works in the demo lol. not sure what's up. great plugin though, I actually needed something like this ages ago.

Hey ZeroBeat, would you be able to share some screenshots of the following:

- Your Plugin Manager

- Plugin Params for this Plugin

- State Notetag Box where the Notetag is used

Maybe that can shed some light as to what is going on. If the error is on our end, we would be happy to issue a hotfix :)


well, as for one of the notetags for the state that was all that was written in there.

as for my plugin params... 


I use a LOT of plugins, but for this instance I only left on the following... 

and the bars still wouldn't disappear.

plugin manager

I did notice one weird thing though between the help file and the demo... the help says to put <Hide Status Bar> which threw me an error, but once I changed it to <Hide State Bar> nothing would happen. 

hopefully any of this is helpful to you.


Awesome! This should be enough to go on to track down the issue. Thanks for sending these through :)

(2 edits)

Just wanted to note I'm getting the same error:

